

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 9 years, 8 months ago




Welcome to the


Learning Circle

Children's Rights 







 Twitter mee: 




Learning Circle 10 

Hey everyone!


"When the children are well, the world goes well."

This is said by Herman van Veen, patron of Lot's foundation. He was there, when 25 years ago the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed.

In the Learning Circles, we work together with Lot's Foundation and with many other organisations working worldwide to make children aware of Children's Rights. We will meet some of them in this Learning Circle.

We will also meet Lot: a girl that shares stories of children during her travels in the world. Like her, you're a curious traveler in this Learning Circle. You’ll discover that you can make your voice heard, together with children from different countries.

Children’s Rights don’t make all your wishes or dreams come true; they exist to make it possible for each child to have a good life. The 194 countries that signed the treaty are obliged to respect these rights. But this not happening in real life. Therefore, it is necessary to collaborate and learn about Children’s Rights together!



Additional information: The story of Lot and meaningful learning.


If you would like a real time connection (Skype, Face time etc.) with an other school in your circle; please indicate so in this Skype page.

Feel free to also indicate a time / date that would suit you best :-)



Click the page with Tweets about the Learning Circles    


Click the page with Facebook messages about the LC's



Phase 5 - Completion 

May 11 - June 03 2015


  --> Pages with a compilation of your beautiful contributions on the site of ICT&E / Global Teenager Project:


NEWSLETTER Monday, June 8,


Dear participants,


After a learning EDventure of almost 4 months the Learning Circles Children's Rights have come to an end.

We kindly thank you and your students for all your hard work and beautiful contributions.


  • The LC wiki's will stay open for at least one more year, so there is time enough to still enjoy the contributions from your fellow learners, feel free to add a comment at the bottom of each page :-)
  • We are working on a compilation of all Circles, including links to all wiki's, and we will share a link with you once this job is done.
  • All letters written in the peerScholar assignment will be compiled in one document and send to Unicef. Also we will create a pdf so you will have access to all letters written (over 200!!) including the letters sent to us via e-mail.
  • Certificates to acknowledge and celebrate your students participation are in the final phase of design, and will be send to each teacher to share among students.


Based upon your evaluations so far we can see that students really enjoyed their Circle work. If you have not posted your evaluations yet, we welcome you to do so in the week ahead, it means a lot to us to hear your voices as well.

We specially appreciate your 'tips and tops'; they will help us to further improve our 2016 Learning Circles.


Enjoy the last days, weeks of this school year and we already welcome you back to participate in 2016 Circles :-)

With greetings from Ukraine and Holland, Natasha and Bob.










Overview 'Learning Circle Children's Rights' 2015

Land School   

Phase 1 Introduction

Phase 2

Challenge 1

Phase 3

Challenge 2

Phase 4

Challenge 3

Phase 5


Phase 6 Evaluation


1. Montessori College Arnhem


2. Wolfert Lyceum Bergschenhoek







3. Nantyr Shores Secondary School






4. Adma International School Gr.11







 Slovenia 5. Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava
6. Colegiul Economic Buzau  
    On time     Little bit late   More than a week late            

* A date in the overview means a school completed the phase/ placed text. The color of the date indicates if it was placed in time, little bit late, 1 one week late or placed in the wiki more than a week late.

* A X in the overview means a school dit not place date in the wiki. The color of the X indicates if a school is little bit late, more than a week late with placing their information on the Wiki.



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